Our Mission & Charter

CCHA Mission: 
The Chittenden County Homeless Alliance is a coalition of individuals, organizations, and government entities who support our vision of a safe, decent, affordable, stable home for every person and family in Chittenden County.

Our mission is to end homelessness in Chittenden County by being a forum for gathering information, building consensus, coordinating efforts, and advocating the end of homelessness through prevention, early intervention, and remediation.

CCHA Vision:
The Chittenden County Homeless Alliance envisions a future in which every person and family in Chittenden County has a permanent, safe, decent, affordable home and the necessary means and community supports to sustain it.

Governance Charter

⇒ Executive Committee 2021:

Taylor Thibault, Champlain Housing Trust, Co-Chair

Sarah Russell, Community Economic Development Office, Co-Chair

Jane Helmstetter, Volunteer, Facilitator

Lacey Smith, Burlington Police Department, Secretary

Travis Poulin, Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity, Interim Treasurer

Marcella Gange, Community Economic Development Office, Collaborative Applicant (non-voting)

⇒ Other Governing Documents:

CCHA CE Policies and Procedures

Vermont Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Governance Charter

CCHA Affirmative Outreach and Marketing Policy

CCHA Education Services Policy

CCHA Emergency Transfer Plan

CCHA Non-Discrimination Policy  Associated training and information available here.